English language editing

Submit your paper in word-perfect English

I have been providing a dedicated scientific English language editing service since 2000 enabling authors to submit papers with word-perfect English for publication to internationally respected journals.

With rejection rates for most journals being on average 80%, you need fast, specialized, language editing services so you can improve the quality of your new research papers. See the benefit of having a professional editor quickly review your paper before submission. Avoid delay in getting your research papers published due to avoidable issues in language.

Good effective English language editing will help ensure fewer problems at the review stage and increase the quality of your paper by improving the overall manuscript quality.

As research output continues to grow, with rapidly growing numbers of submissions from China, Africa, Brazil, India, Iran and Turkey, poor English grammar is one of the key reasons for initial rejections and the cause of longer review periods. However, requests for editing also come to me from native English speaking countries, with many manuscripts submitted from the USA and UK.

I ensure that each paper is grammatically correct, in either British or US English.

Additional editing options such as the editing of references and laying out according to the publisher’s requirements are also available, as well as translation services.

Please ask for further information.

Clients include:

UNESCO-IHE, Delft, the Netherlands
Technical University of Delft, the Netherlands
Deltares, Delft, the Netherlands
Sandec, Zurich, Switzerland
European Union